Fuel Card Terms & Conditions
1. Definitions
- In these conditions ‘The Company’ means Certa Limited trading as Certa Fuel Card.
- ‘Network’ means the network of bunkering sites through which the company works.
- ‘Card’ means the card Issued by the Company to the Cardholder.
- ‘Cardholder’ means the person or Company in whose name the account is maintained and includes employees, subcontractors or any other person acting on behalf of the Cardholder.
2. Payment
A statement of amounts charged to the Cardholders account will be sent to the Cardholder on a monthly basis or on any other basis as agreed between the Company and the Cardholder from time to time.
Payment shall be made by way of direct debit from the account of the Cardholder on or around the 15th of the month following invoice, or as otherwise agreed between the Company and the Cardholder.
If for any reason the Cardholder has not paid the full statement value on the due date, the Company reserves the right to charge Interest on the account of the Cardholder at the rate of 5% per annum above the Euribor rate. This would be payable from the original due date until full payment has been made.Â
3. Pricing
- The Company can sell product to the Cardholder from the Network sites.
- The price of this product will be agreed between the Company and the Cardholder from time to time.
- The Company can charge an administration fee agreed between the Company and the Cardholder from time to time.
4. Card use
- The Cardholder is responsible for the safe-keeping of the Card.
- The Cards may only be used to obtain Diesel fuel from the designated Network sites.
- The Cards remain the property of the Company at all times.
- The Company may cancel a Card at any time without notice or refuse to Issue a replacement card.
- Fuel cards will automatically stop if they haven’t been used in 6 months.
- On cancellation or termination of this agreement the Cardholder shall return all the Issued Cards to the Company within seven days.
5. Lost or stolen cards
- If a card is lost or stolen the Cardholder must immediately notify the Company by telephone on 01-291 5592. This must be followed by written confirmation (by post or fax or e-mail to [email protected]) within one working day.
- The customer shall continue to be responsible for all transactions made with the lost or stolen card for a period expiring at the end of the second day after the day on which notification is received in accordance with clause 5A save that no such release from responsibility will be given to the customer if it can be established on the balance of probabilities that:
- The customer or the customer’s authorised representative gave the relevant card to an unauthorised person; or
- The loss of the card was due to the gross negligence of either the customer or the customer authorised representative; or
- The customer or the customer’s authorised representative failed to adhere to a request made by the Company or its representative to destroy or return a card to the Company.
6. PIN numbers
- A four digit PIN Number will be allocated to each Card by the Company.
- PIN Numbers will be treated as confidential information and should at all times be kept entirely separate from the Cards. If a PIN Number is disclosed to an unauthorised person the Cardholder must immediately notify the Company as per condition 5.
7. Responsibilities
- The Company accepts no responsibility and gives no warranty, express or implied, and whether arising by common law or statute in relation to any product supplied to the Customer other than to give warranty as to the title In the product supplied.
- The Company accepts no responsibility and shall not be liable to the Customer for a failure (for whatever reason) on the part of an automatic dispensing pump to dispense product at a Company site.Â
8. General
- The Cardholder shall immediately notify the Company of any change to the Cardholders address or details.
- The Company may amend or add to these conditions at any time subject to the requirements of statute. The Company will give the Cardholder 30 days notice in writing of such amendments or additions
9. Relevant law
This Agreement shall be constructed in accordance with Irish Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.
10. Terms and conditions of sale
A full copy of the terms and conditions of sale will be forwarded to all applications upon completion of application process.