We know that your home heating oil won’t freeze, but water can freeze very easily when the temperature plummets. So, if you see exposed pipes around your home, insulate them well to protect them from frost. If there is water in your fuel pipes, this can freeze and cause a blockage – often this is what makes people think that their home heating oil has frozen, as this blockage prevents the fuel from reaching your boiler.
To prevent this from happening, follow these simple steps:
- Check that all your fittings and openings on the oil tank are secure and can’t let in rainwater
- Always ensure your tank cover is replaced tightly after a home heating oil top up to prevent any water getting in
- Buy insulating foam for your pipes from a DIY retailer and cut them to fit yourself. Over time they may deteriorate or become damaged so check them regularly to ensure they are offering your pipes adequate protectionÂ